Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lunch time road ride

After the weekend at KT I figured today's ride would be a ride on a rocket ship, that was not the case. It took a good half of the ride before my legs really loosened up. It was a superb ride though - felt great to get out even for 50 minutes or so - the temps were pretty good - a bit hot, but not stupid.
I keep telling myself that I'm going to really buckle down and work out a training program instead of just riding what I can when I can. Maybe someday I'll do that, but for now I think I'm just going to enjoy things as they come. I sometimes think I should be getting a lot more out of all this riding I do - it doesn't seem like I am getting any faster or losing more weight.
With all the rain lately I've been doing more road riding than mountain biking, I really noticed that during the first few hours of riding up at KT - my technical skills had gotten a bit rusty. Riding the road surely helps with your stamina and leg strength - I definitely felt that, but it doesn't do much to help with riding technical stuff.
I got one of those Halo bands to keep the sweat out of my eyes, initial impressions are very good. I kept thinking maybe I wasn't sweating, but that's not really possible given how warm it is.

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