Friday, February 22, 2013

Road ride

I really enjoy road riding, but its even more fun when you can get a group together (or even just another person). Today I took a bit of a comp day for all the time I spent traveling this week. I actually had planned on taking the whole day off, but while I was on my plane journey home from the UK I got five conference call requests that I had to join. I ended up working until 1:30, not much of a day off.

My friend John had put out a call for a road ride today, he came up to my house this afternoon and we did 22 miles at a good clip. John and I are pretty well matched on a road bike, it was really cool to draft - its really amazing how much effort you save with drafting, John is pedaling and I'm behing him braking to keep from running into him. At the post ride beer session it was funny to hear him say that he thought I did too many pulls, it sure seemed like I wasn't doing enough when we were out there.

Its really motivating to have someone else along - I still have a lot to learn about turning with a road bike apparently. I almost crashed into a snow bank today when I didn't quite make it around a corner at speed. It was good to watch John crank through those same corners. Grabbed a KOM today and moved my times up on a few sections.

Great ride, now I am completely spent, its approaching midnight in the UK and I'm feeling it big time.

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