Sunday, September 30, 2012

Night terrors

I woke up early this morning convinced I had made a mistake in the sides of the neck. I figured the best way to calm my nerves was to make a template for the wings. Sure enough I had made a mistake, but the mistake means there's is too much wood left on the neck, which is a lot easier to fix than the opposite. As I said I'm making this body smaller than others I have made and I had accidentally started doing some measurements from the back end of the bass - the body on this one will be a couple of inches shorter, so measuring from a common point is important.

I got to cutting out my template - highly confusing for a bit there, but I got it figured it out. I'm not 100% sold on this exact shape, but it will be something like this.

The fretboard isn't cut yet, so it looks a little wonky, but here's what it looks like with the fretboard resting on top.

I need to figure out what kind of wood to use to fill in the fretlines. Its the one issue with the cocobola that I'm using for the fretboard, its not really dark (which would mean light lines would stick out, or really light (where dark lines would show).  I'll probably go for ebony, but that's a decision for later.

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