Saturday, September 8, 2012

Return to fun

I spent the work week in Atlanta, uneventful, but tiring, while I was away brown santa delivered a few toys.

I wouldn't say I'm hoarder, but I do have a really hard time selling the old when I buy the new - I guess a bit of an emotional attachment. Over the last couple of years I've broke that cycle and sold off 4 or 5 bikes and 2 basses, which gave me a little play money to pay for some fun. I gotta say it feels great to get rid of stuff that I haven't even touched (except to move them out of the way) in years. Having some extra cash to use on new toys is a good thing too.

I got a new fork for my bike

I know a Fox would be the "right" fork to buy, but with a new bass build on the way, I needed to save some money for the parts for that.

While I was away I got some parts for the bass, and I ordered the rest. I am waiting for the pickups/preamp and the fretboard to arrive then I'll be ready to go. I can't really start the build until I get the fretboard as I need that for the first step.

I made a design on paper, then made a mock up out of cardboard. All my basses up until now have had very large bodies compared to other basses. I like the way they look, but this one will be more "normal" sized.

The neck is a seven piece laminate (maple, ebony, black walnut), the body will be black walnut with a tiger maple inlay, the fretboard is figured cocobola. I have a few things to figure out, probably about 80% of the design work is done - the rest will be on the fly stuff, I will have to see how things come together as I build.

I'll start work on it in the next couple of weeks - come on fretboard!