Monday, January 14, 2013

Lunch time crank

One the benefits of working from home is that my bike is right there and on the rare occasion when good weather and a real lunch break align I can jump on the road bike and crank out a loop. Today I got lucky with 50 degree temps (though very windy) and an hour between calls.

I did a quick 10 or so mile loop over to the Snip and back, good stuff. I was thinking about wind as it played a major role in today's ride - since I don't have a moveable sail it is only advantageous for about 30-45 degrees out of the full 360. That's why when its windy it always feels like its a head wind - its only helping 12.5% of the time - at best.

Unfortunately it looks like Strava ate my loop, so you'll just have to trust me that it was a 20 mph average HA!

After riding with those other guys yesterday I can see that I ride in too hard of a gear most of the time. I tried to ride in easier gears today and it definitely helped, if you can keep the cadence up, you can definitely go faster by spinning in a lower gear. Now I have to build up my endurance so I can spin for longer periods of time.

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